Virtue Trades Investment country agents are top investors and stakeholders who oversee Virtue Trades Investment’s projects and activities in their regions in full co-operation with Virtue Trades Investment’s management team .
Every Virtue Trades Investment country agent earn their incentive bonuses and allowances from Virtue Trades Investment management.
Every Virtue Trades Investment Country agent earn a 10% referral bonus from every investment made by their direct referrals (1st Generation referral) and 5% referral bonus from their second generation referrals bonus from investments made by investors from their Country .
In order to receive your Virtue Trades Investment’s Country agent badge, you have to ;
(i)Have a direct referral of 40 active investor of which at least 10 of them are either on Plan A or Plan B trading plan.
(ii)By joining Virtue Trades Investment’s Plan C Trading plan and start earning your Country agent bonuses .